Starting Characters - Men-at-Arms

 Starting Characters & Men-at-Arms

A question that arises when starting a new group of PCs in any campaign is:  Can we supplement our party with Men-at-Arms?

DMG 29 states clearly that the costs listed for Mercenaries does not include arms and armor, they must be furnished by the PCs over and above the employment costs.  But how does this work out for new players when starting gold is scarce.  Many times the new character has to make some choices just to equip their own PC with proper equipment, how to have enough left over to also hire a Man-at-Arms?

Let's look at some examples of how GG handles this in one of the modules he wrote:

B2 - The Keep on the Borderlands - The Tavern

(Yes, I realize this module is marketed as for Basic D&D, but let's take a look anyway.)

This particular Man-at-Arms would be classified as a Light Footman, monthly cost 1 GP, though DMG 34 informs us that Soldiers recognize hazardous duty and the cost per day is the same as per month.  This cost would align with what GG is suggesting above.

Consider also the WANDERER this is equivalent of the Lieutenant described on DMG 31:

If he's getting 25% of the loot from a dungeon delve vs. being paid 200 to 300 gp, the haul should be in the neighborhood of 1,000 gp (250 x 4).  Does this say something about the amount of treasure GG expected a party to obtain on their very first delve?  



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