Morale - Flee in Panic
Analyzing the possible results of a Morale check, we consider now the result: Flee in Panic. What exactly does this mean?
Our first clue comes from DMG 78 in the descriptions of the effects of Psionic attacks.
A creature who is panicked has a condition that last 2d4 rounds and includes the effects of a Fear spell from a magic-user. Here is the description of that spell f4om PHB 76:
The Panicked creature must immediately check to determine if they drop whatever they are holding, then the following round move away from the source of their fear at their fastest for 4 rounds.
Another effect of this movement is the ability of the opponent to attack the fleeing creature, from PHB 105:
Yhe step-by-step how this works at yhe Table:
As an example: You have a company of 80 Mercenaries in Mass Combat on a 10:1 figure scale, so 8 figures.
1. As soon as the 2nd figure is hit with a deathblow, roll a Morale check.
2. If they fail and the failure indicates "Flee in Panic", check immediately to see if they drop whatever they are holding.
3. At the beginning of the next round they turn to Flee.
4. Opponents get an attack at the rear of the fleeing party with bonuses.
5. The fleeing party moves at top speed away from their opponent for at least 1 rounds.
6. Roll 2d4 to determine the duration of the Panic, deducting the initial rounds and the first round of flight.
Keep in mind the Fleeing party cannot navigate or map when in flight.
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